Abraham Rubio Celada
– Doctor of Historia del Arte from the Universidad Complutense in 2004, and Diplomado en Conservación de Bienes Culturales in 2000 by La Escuela Superior de Restauración y Conservación de Bines Culturales of Madrid.
– Académico Correspondiente of the Real Academia de la Historia and Académico Correspondiente of the Real Academia de Historia y Arte de San Quirce of Segovia.
– Secretary of the Asociación de Amigos del Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas.
– Member of the AC (Association of Ceramology).
– President of the Fundación marqués de Castrillón since 2104, dedicated to the conservation, cataloguing and restoration of its architectural heritage and artistic collections.
He is currently working on the preventive conservation of the artistic collections of the Congreso de los Diputados in Madrid.
Since 1995 he has specialized in the study of the history of historical and contemporary ceramics. His doctoral thesis is entitled De la tradición a la modernidad. Los Zuloaga ceramistas, deals with the different stages of ceramic production of the Zuloaga.
About the ceramists Zuloaga has curated an exhibition in the Torreón de Lozoya de Segovia and another at the Museo casa Lis in Salamanca.
Among his various publications on ceramics we can mention La loza esmaltada hellinera. Una desconocida de la cerámica española, Fernando Arranz López, ceramista and “Miguel Durán-Loriga Rodrigáñez, precursor del diseño industrial en cerámica” in the magazine Cerámica.
His latest publication in relation to ceramics, sponsored by the Asociación de Amigos del Museo nacional de Artes Decorativas, is Viaje a las colecciones de cerámica contemporánea española en el Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas, where he studies the various collections of Spanish ceramics preserved in the National Museum of Decorative Arts from the late nineteenth century until the sixties of the twentieth century