Museu del Disseny de Barcelona
The Barcelona Design Museum is the city’s museum of object art and design. In just one place it brings together historical collections of decorative art, textile and clothing art and graphic art, the collections of product, graphic and fashion design from the 20th and 21st centuries and original contemporary art
The common denominator of these collections is the object and everything that it means, has meant and contributed: from its conception, creation and production to its use according to its time and society, in the crafts and pre- industrial era, the industrial era and the digital era.
The museum has a collection of over 70,000 objects. The decorative arts date from the 4th
century to the present day, with unique, internationally-renowned collections, such as medieval textiles, 16th century Catalan enamelled glassware and Alcora pottery, among others. All this object art is naturally linked to the 20th and 21st century design collections. Most of them are, or have been, “everyday objects”, i.e. personal or collective objects from everyday life. Now, these historical decorative-art collections are also linked, in a logical way, with those collections known as original contemporary art, artistic expressions that employ traditional techniques, such as ceramics, glass and enamel.
Museu del Disseny de Barcelona
Press kit Museu del Disseny ANG 2018