Swanica Ligtenberg
Swanica Ligtenberg became immersed full time in the ceramic art world in 1981 at the “L’Ecole des Arts Decoratifs” in Geneva, Switzerland, where she was educated in the art of drawing, throwing, forming, decorating and glazing ceramics.
In all her travels she always had a ceramic workshop at her home: in Switzerland, New Jersey, California USA, Kamakura, Japan, and finally again in the Netherlands with her new ceramic workshop and SwanCeramics Art gallery.
Swanica finds a connection with Mother Nature, meaning of life and wants to contribute to the restoration, balance and harmony of our earth through the creation of ceramic art.
She expresses herself mainly in round thrown clay forms. They center her and represent the cycle of life, especially the persistence of life, family and creativity. She loves to work with colors and is attracted by the warmth of red earthenware clay. She has previously produced an important body of work that features yellow and brown tones
produced by the use of ferric chloride color on her signature Horsehair Raku works.
She has also developed a body of 2D wall-art that incorporates slabs. Cutting and/or folding transforms pieces. Her love for geometric shapes and lines is apparent in her forms and decorations, especially her new slipware work. Her slabs combined with other natural materials create a harmonious work of art. Through design, assembly and interplay between form, line and surface
she enhances the form, lifts them up and ensures a balance in her ceramic pieces.

Swanica Ligtenberg
2021_IAC Biography_S. Ligtenberg
2010 Article in The Japan Times about me_S.Ligtenberg
2012 Book written by Guangzhen Zhou and mentioning of my work_ S.Ligtenberg
2018 Article written about Horsehair decoration by me in Dutch clay magazine De Kleine K_S.Ligtenberg