Christa Gebhardt
At the centre of the ceramic oeuvre of Christa Gebhardt, who studied graphic design, is the exploration of existential questions of beeing. An early – for years varied symbol, representing the manifold forms of life – has been the phenomenon of symmetry with its sometimes only gradual disturbances. For this purpose, she developed in the vividplay of light and shadows on graphically delicate groove lineaments of threedimensional sculptures or reliefs, poetically sensitive solutions. The study of ancient myths finds a logically consistent sculptural equivalent in concious references to form-elements of Hellenistic sculptures. The elemental subjects of the European culture continue in the floor installation of 18 parts « Traces of Boreas », and the group « For Charon ». They possess many associative forces. They are, however, harsher and more reduced in their expression.
Hans-Peter Jakobson