Ashley Howard
The work of Ashley Howard remains extraordinarily fresh. He is an assured but rigorous explorer and celebrant of the past, clearly indebted to a variety of ceramic traditions, but he has been able to absorb these ideas into a very modern, resourceful and uncommonly free language of his own.
David Whiting, writer and critic.
Context and placement steer the thinking behind Ashley Howard’s work. He has always been fascinated by ritual and ritualistic vessels, and has maintained a dialogue between Far-Eastern and homespun ceramic traditions which address his fascination with ceremony. Reflection through making is key to both his research development and teaching. Ashley is primarily a maker, and he is intrigued by the instinctive and intuitive engagement between maker and material. He is interested in exploring the architecture of the vessel, its surface and relationship with the human and spatial environment. Ashley Howard is a member of the International Academy of Ceramics.
For all enquiries regarding work for sale please contact agents J&J Rawlin Ltd

Ashley Howard
Pays, région
Site web
Ashley Howard
CV Summmary
Full Circle catalogue
Ritual and Setting catalogue
Shima Kara Shima E catalogue
Ashley – Meditations Catalogue 2018 LOW RES