Centre Culturel / Ceramic Art Andenne
The largest event dedicated to contemporary ceramics in Belgium.
Hight exhibitions, a Ceramic Market, an artist residency, a conference, a ceramic break, a family day, guided tours, a performance, …
A few events are recurrent in the field of contemporary ceramics in Belgium.
Some galleries dare to work with ceramics, some museums introduce ceramics in their collections.
But, since the Derle, which has been drawn from its centre since antiquity, since « Come and see a pot » initiated in 1988 by a handful of enthusiasts, Andenne continues to proclaim ceramics. Building a « Lighthouse » to house its Ceramics Museum, braving time, Andenne remains faithful to its heritage while looking to the future. Wishing to maintain this vivacity, Ceramic Art Andenne is the only event of such a complete and international scope in Belgium, with eight exhibitions, an artist’s residency, performances, training courses and a ceramics market.
It is with pride that the Cultural Centre, thanks to its partners, organises this discipline with a thousand and one facets that is ceramics.

Centre Culturel / Ceramic Art Andenne
Centre céramique
Pays, région
Site web
Catalogue Ceramic Art Andenne 2021 min
Catalogue CAA 2018 min
Report CAA 2022 UK compressed