Valentina Savic
As an artist, designer and craftswoman I have had extensive 20-year experience in the field of ceramic art and design, starting with one of my first international exhibition “Balkan Ceramics” in IAC organization in Athens 2002. Since then I have been exhibited both national and international. My practice extends beyond national borders, also through residencies, jurying, curating and organizing international art events in Serbia.
As an MA at Belgrade Academy of Applied Arts in the ceramic department, and resident student artist in Athens Academy of Fine Art in sculpture department I learned both art, design and craftsmanship through the entire study. This approach has contributed to the fact that in my work for many years I use the principles of design for art sake. My ceramic installations have the historical and social context, in which the work is often a cite specific, interactive, or mixed with the performance.
I am a member of Serbian Applied Arts and Design Association, awarded several times in major ceramic biennials and triennials in Serbia, and Slovenia, from 2012-2017 selector and curator at one of the oldest Serbian ceramic festival “The world of Ceramics”. I am actively involved in critical research in the area of the applied arts, including writing, curating and making. Except in Serbia I was exhibited/worked in museums, cultural centers and galleries in Spain, Germany, Austria, Argentina, Belgium, Slovenia, Montenegro, Greece, Croatia, Turkey, Tunisia, New Zealand and China.