Jane Perrymann
My practise has investigated abstract form alluding to the vessel and contemporary urban architecture. My books Smoke Fired Pottery (1995), Traditional Pottery of India (2000), Naked Clay (2004) and Smoke Firing Contemporary Artists & Approaches (2008) have all been published by A&C Black with translations into French and German. My archive film ‘Pottery Traditions of India’ was released in 2013.
Recently I explored multi media installation work; Containing Time was a year’s weekly diary examining interlocking themes of materials, environment, time and journeys through an exploration of a randomly found material. This was separated from its context, using the bowl as a vehicle of expression with ceramic, frottage, poetry, photography, and soundscape in collaboration with composer Kevin Flanagan. It was exhibited in Boston MA 2015, Sweden in 2016, toured the UK 2017, and the Indian Ceramic Triennale 2018 funded by the British Council.
From Light to Dark and Back is a work in progress; an exploration of changes in Solar Light at 52 degrees latitude the coordinate of my home in Suffolk. At two week intervals over a year I documented the angle of sunrise and sunset against the horizon, the change of daylight hours between the summer and winter solstices and the angle of solar noon. This data is embodied into an installation of ceramics, text, photography, light and a soundscape by Kevin Flanagan.
This new work represents a step change for me through the study of astronomical and mathematical data, linking art with science. The twenty four hour light dark cycle is at the core of life on our planet controlling the circadian rhythms of humans, animals and plants known as chronobiology. Research has been partly funded by the Arts Council. It will be a major exhibition at Ruthin Centre for the Applied Arts in April 2022

Jane Perrymann
Pays, région
Site web
biography IAC-converted
Perryman Ceramics Monthly
Neue Keramik 2016 (2)
Ceramic Review article