Shanyar Algarad
Regular and Irregular
(Statistic and dynamic)
Most of the ceramics by potter Shanyar Abdullah are characterized by the regularity and irregularity , which contains the carefully examined technical elements, as if the work of art is a musical instrument that produces melodies that have an influence on spectator with the view to attract him, and dialogue with him, and think about him.
The various technical elements that make up the work lead to rhythms , and establish conflict between these elements, the absence of conflict between such elements means the absence of rhythm, and the artist reveals these conflicts between “statistic and dynamic .”
The rule in art is to avoid regularity and to find an integral unit in the ceramic work that does not mean the similarity between all parts of the design but to show a lot of difference.
In his works , the artist depends on the picture, which explains the simple chromatic richness on the ceramic surfaces, and an exercise in which the system can be found to illustrate the linear configuration of the architecture of the geometric form presented. In a surprising manner, the artist went on to address the phenomenon of visual diversity in which his ceramic works, through his technical expertise to eventually form an experiment of aesthetic value with the techniques of oxidation and reduction of color oxides, which relied on the introduction of dramatic movements in the mass space and its form balancing between geometry and blocks dancing in the embrace of warm shape.

Shanyar Algarad
Country, region
cv shanyar 1
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