Jørgen Frederik Scheel Haarstad

Newly published:
Ceramics Now
Moca-New York

I am an artist, musician and composer. My artistic expression is particularly influenced by working as a professional drummer for more than 25 years. In my work with art, I primarily explore and experiment with ceramics as audiovisual material. I use ceramics to produce sound objects and to create sound in a visual performance. Today, I use porcelain waste and faulty production from Norsk Teknisk Porselen(NTP) in Fredrikstad, Norway. I search for uniqueness and sound potential in each individual ceramic object by manipulating the objects’ movements to produce sound. Here, improvisation and experimentation are leading the way.
Free expression and exploration of sound, sound objects and sound production is my basic motivation as an artist. My stage and gallery art productions are characterized by transcendence of genres, multidisciplinarity and artistic diversity: Industrial ceramic installation staged with ceramic contemporary sound collage created by me as a performer and composer. I want form, content and strategies to reflect contemporary undercurrents and I seek continuous development and change. I want continued development of my own artistic expression, but also together with collaboration partners in which different genres can touch each other, arousing interest and curiosity among those interested in art and music. In the work of creating form in clay and steel, the driving force is a dynamic process that occurs in interaction between the material and my treatment of the material. I want the expression of the form to be created along the way, where I focus on detaching myself from a specific idea and rather trust the process and seek an experimental form. An example of this is expressed in Oxytycin A, produced at the Center for Ceramic Art, Ringebu, Norway (2021).


Jørgen Frederik Scheel Haarstad


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Site web

CV Jørgen Haartsad

Performance catalog
Portfolio Jørgen Haar. 2022_22103.pdf.16:10.22